I on9 thru hp ni. So gambar je lah ye. Jari besar nauu nk type asek typo je kuikuikui!!
Day 2
Eh harubiru lah entry ii! How plk start dgn day 2 ni hahah!!

its -6' here. ok la kan sbb lambat sgt nk jejak europe..hehee

the best thing is makan. hahaha
instagram : ewazallie
Shopping. Heaven. Ahhhh

Day 1
Birthday surprised party organized well by mr.hubby. ohmaiiii
(gambar semua blm dpt nt i uplod show off kt uols k ahahahahaks!)

she love it very much! asal beli je mesti fya yg makan byk dr mama ;p
tapi xpe sbb kali ni birthday mama kan
some of day 1 cards!
i kasi story sket sbb dh on9 thru laptop ni hikhik
he gave me 8 treasure card to redeem on the day.
1 by 1 sampai la ke kad yg last.
soo surprise in every single card!
uols can practice utk yg tersayang.mesti best. its not about money. yg murah2 pon xkisah. yg xkeluarkan duit pun ok. tapi everybody loveeesss surprised! -kata Elmo keekekekekkee
i love u syg. till i die.
mek, uniqlo beli ape lagi?
uniqlo beli barang utk winter..heat tech die terbaik hehehe
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